Wool Education 

Wool - a unique fibre, with the most phenomenal characteristics. 

In a time of fast fashion, unsustainable consumption and a failing local economy, supporting local production, investing in natural fibre and making ethical and conscious fashion decisions is the way to go. 

Follow the Karoo Wool Campaign for more Educational pieces about Wool, the South African Wool Industry and more. 


Jurie Muller - Tides of Wool 

Tide of Wool tells the story of sheep farmer and big wave surfer, Jurie Muller, who reimagines the surfboard on his journey to fighting the scourge of ocean pollution and, in doing so, uniquely combines three worlds into the creation of one surfboard: surfing, farming, and recycling. ​

Merino Magic - Inside Africa CNN

CNN Inside Africa tells the story of `Merino Magic and how Gerber and Co. , Merchants on Long and other retailers are realising the power of wool! 

Gerber & Co. 

Stefan Gerber from Gerber & Co. was one of our speakers at the 2022 Karoo Winter Wool Festival. 

South African Wool 

South Africa is a vast and beautiful country with a rich history of sheep and wool farming. This long history has established woolgrowers who have a keen appreciation of how to care for their animals and the environment. As a result, the industry consistently generates a high quality, environmentally sound product for international markets.

Wool in the Karoo

The Merino wool sheep has a rich history in the Greater Karoo region of South Africa. The breed was introduced to the area in the late 18th century by Dutch settlers who brought them from Europe. These settlers realized that the harsh environment of the Karoo was ideal for sheep farming, and the Merino breed was particularly suited for the arid conditions.

Die Merino-skaap het vinnig 'n steunpilaar van die Karoo-boerderybedryf geword, en teen die vroeë 19de eeu het die streek die grootste produsent van Merino-wol ter wêreld geword. Die skaap het gedieë in die droë klimaat en unieke plantegroei van die gebied, en 'n hoë-kwaliteit wol geproduseer wat baie gevra was.

Over time, the Merino wool industry became a major economic driver for the Greater Karoo region, with farmers organizing into cooperatives and exporting their wool to markets around the world. Today, the Merino wool industry remains an important part of the region's economy, with farmers continuing to raise and breed the sheep for their prized wool.

Die Merino-wol skaap het nie net die ekonomie van die Groter Karoo gevorm nie, maar ook die kulturele identiteit van die streek, met die skaap en hul wol wat 'n simbool van die gebied se veerkragtigheid en vindingrykheid in die gesig van uitdagende omstandighede geword het.


Regenerative, Responsible, Farming, Fashion and Industry 

The Karoo Winter Wool Festival wishes to promote sustainable and regenerative farming, industry and fashion practices. We wish to promote the development of local economies through growing sustainable industries such as wool production and wool manufacturing.