KWWF Competitions 

Wool Innovation Competition

OVK in collaboration with the Karoo Winter Wool Festival offers a competition where you as a participant can win big prizes by using your creative genius with wool as medium and producing a functional item from wool (not an art item).  Prizes:  1st Prize R20,000.00  2nd Prize R10,000.00  3rd  Prize R5,000.00

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Wol Innovasie Kompetisie

OVK in samewerking met die Karoo Winter Wolfees bied aan ‘n kompetisie waar jy as deelnemer groot pryse kan wen deur jou kreatiewe genialiteit met wol as medium te gebruik en ‘n funksionele item te vervaardig van wol (nie kuns item nie).  1ste Prys 20,000.00  2de  Prys 10,000.00  3de Prys 5,000.00

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